Advanced Hypnotherapy, QHHT & Past Life Regression

T: 01963 371695
M: 07973 346747

5-PATH® Hypnotherapy

Developed by Calvin Banyan, 5-PATH® Hypnotherapy is a uniquely powerful combination of psychology and hypnosis.

An eminent psychotherapist before switching his focus to hypnotherapy, Cal Banyan created 5-PATH by taking the best and most effective elements from both worlds.  He is now recognised as being one of the leading hypnotists, teachers and trainers in the field of hypnosis.

5-PATH® is designed to harness useful information and delete useless information, then help you get back on the right track - quickly and effectively.

As a fully qualified 5-PATH® Practitioner, with your consent, I can take you back to the start of any problem that may be manifesting itself today.

Together, we can reframe or neutralise negative perceptions and remove the emotional barriers that may be stopping you achieve your full potential.

The 5-PATH® System is powerful and proven effective. Better still, the first results can be both swift and significant. The long-term effects can be nothing short of life-changing.

Recent client feedback (after just three sessions):  "Great news - I've seen a MASSIVE shift in work - honestly it's been so dramatically different, I'm really excited."



By realigning your subconscious mind, you harness its power for good. You simply need to give it that chance.

As Milton Erickson so neatly put it: ‘You always knew but you didn't know that you knew.'

Click Here to contact me about 5-PATH® Hypnotherapy

 Click Here to find out more about 5-PATH® Hypnotherapy

Online Sessions from home! 

Consider the benefits....

  • Remain in the safety and comfort of your own home
  • Work with a certified online practitioner from anywhere in the world 
  • No time or expense incurred for travel

Does it work just as well as seeing me for in-person session?

Yes it does!

Using hypnotic inductions specially created for online sessions, I can work with you just as effectively as if we were in the same room....

For more information on Online Hypnotherapy, please click here
And for more information on Online Past Life Regression or QHHT, please click here.

QHHT/Past Life Regression Gift Vouchers 

GIFTVOUCHERLORESPICTURE.jpgAre you searching for a very special and unusual gift
for someone you love?  Give them one of these beautiful Gift Vouchers and you may both get to know what was your relationship in a former life!  Choose a 90 minute 'Taster' Past Life session at £140, or the full-on 3 hour QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) session at £280, including an initial free 30 minute Zoom chat (applies to 3 hour session only).   All sessions either online or in-person.  This attractive voucher printed on luxury 400gsm silk-finish card can either be posted directly to the recipient or to the buyer.* 

Call me on 07973 346 747 or email me to buy one now.

*Vouchers are valid for 3 months from date of purchase.



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