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Niki's Articles

The Challenge of Clashing Soul Contracts!

In my work with Clients, I've increasingly come to appreciate the clash that often occurs between our various Soul Contracts, and the way this can affect us.

I'm assuming you already know about Soul Contracts?  Briefly, these are agreements drawn up in-between lives, and they are INCREDIBLY and mind-blowingly complex.  Well, to our linear minds, that is.  I'm reliably informed they seem remarkably easy and straightforward when we're in another dimension and outside of linear time!  It seems that we may make many Contracts, depending on how accelerated we want our learning to be.  They go something like this....

  • Personal Development Contracts, detailing what we want to personally achieve in the next incarnation.

For example, we might decide that we want to learn about trust, or relationships or physical pain. 

  • A Mission Contract. This will describe the ‘bigger picture' and will detail our purpose for incarnating at a particular time.

For example, we might want to help poor or disadvantaged people, or teach people how to live in an eco-friendly manner, or be a healer.  At this time in Earth's history, we may have decided to come in as a Helper, and this will probably involve more challenging work.

  • Contracts between individual Souls and groups of Souls. These may relate to either your Personal or your Mission Contracts. Imagine sitting down with these other Souls ~ many of whom will have ‘travelled' with you in previous incarnations, in different guises, relationships and gender ~ and suggesting ways in which they can help you, or indeed challenge you on your Journey. These Contracts are usually reciprocal, so you will also agree to help them. They may be long-lasting, or for shorter periods of time. They can also be very brief - an encounter of just a few minutes even!

The Veil of Forgetting

Once we incarnate in human form, we completely forget about the Contracts, at least in the earlier part of our life.  After all, if you were given the answers to exams in advance, why would you bother to study at all?  As we progress through life, if we begin to grasp the idea that we're here for the purpose of learning, and start to recognise the benefits of everything we're experiencing ~ both the apparently positive AND negative ~ then something magical begins to happen.  We start to recall WHY we are here and WHAT we are here to learn.  One of the best ways in which you can do this is by exploring your past lives with Past Life Regression and Quantum Healing Hypnosis.

Knowing Both Sides of the Coin

Let me give you a simple example.  Supposing one of your personal lessons is about patience.  You can only know about patience by experiencing situations that challenge your patience.  If you continue to respond by being im-patient, you will be provided with more tests, each one harder than the last, until you finally ‘get it'.

The Confusion of Patience and Urgency

However..... supposing your mission here is to find money and resources to help save endangered species.  You become aware that the Amur Leopard is critically endangered - only around 30 of them left in the Russian Far East.  Time is running out and something needs to be done urgently before they become totally extinct!   How can being patient help you here?  Surely you need to be very im-patient in order to galvanise you and others into action?

Extremes Caused by Friction

Here's another example.  Your personal journey includes learning about poverty and communication.  Your mission is to help people who are disadvantaged.  You are born into a very wealthy family, attend a fee-paying school, and eventually own a successful property company, building expensive houses.  Your business partner (who is here to learn about truth and honesty) engages in fraudulent activity and empties the company coffers, then runs off with your wife (who is here to learn about commitment and relationships). 

Your company goes under, and you end up virtually penniless.  You chose those people to do those things for you, so you could learn about poverty, right?  But at what cost?  Look at all the arguments fights, rows you were engaged in with your ‘Soul Mates' in order to get to this point.  And was it actually necessary to go to those lengths, or if there had been less friction, and you'd been able to communicate at a deeper and more meaningful level with those people earlier, might there have been a ‘happier' outcome?

A Better Alternative

Let's say your partner owned up, the company nearly went under, but by both of you selling off your big houses, expensive cars, yachts and Rolex watches, you managed to save the company by scaling it right down and building low-cost housing.  In doing this, your partner would have learned a lot about truth and honesty, and you would have had a greater understanding of poverty, as well as working on your Mission to help disadvantaged people.

And supposing your wife came clean about the affair and the two of you decided to remain together in a new relationship of sharing and communication.  She would have learned about commitment and relationships, and you would have learned about communication from both of these people.

Finding the Right Balance

The nub of this, as I understand it, is finding the right balance.   Here is what was said by a member of a Council of Wise Beings:-

'Contracts bring people together from different perspectives.  They may have different skills and temperaments, and these differences can cause friction ~ which can appear to be positive or negative.  It's a matter of rubbing the two aspects together to bring about some stimulation. The level of stimulation has to be one that can be dealt with, rather than being overpowering. Too much friction can bring overload, and too little will perhaps not bring the creative sparks!  It is a matter of getting the right balance, and being aware of the interplay between those two types of Contracts.'

I'll leave you with a final ~ and hopefully cheering ~ thought.  It seems that Contracts are NOT set in stone, and can be changed at any time.  They can also be ended, even 'torn up' at any time.  That's not to say that the lesson you're working on is completed, but you can at least 'put it on hold' and review it after you leave this body.  There is always the opportunity of learning the lesson in another life and in a completely different way!


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